All GLM products are completely compatible and interchangeable with OEM parts. GLM has committed to producing
high quality and cost effective aftermarket parts for the past two decades
If help or part numbers are required,
contact our service tech for advice troubleshooting your sterndrive unit at (416) 751-7326
8A P/N 11210 V8 heavy duty 20/22 Gears for Alpha 1 and generation 2 with HD P/N 21560 included
/ 43-18411A2 $399.99 ratio 1.50-1.47 ratio / 20/22 gears
11220 Alpha 1 gear set 24-24 1970-1997 6 cylinder
8B P/N 11220 6 Cylinder inline upper gear set (1.65 or 1.62 Ratio) 24-24 years 1970 to 1997 / 43-45814A5
11230 Alpha 1 gear set ratio 17-19 V-6 470-485
8C P/N 11230 V6 and 470/485 model upper gear set ratio. 1.81-1.84 / 17/19 gears / 43-75325A3 $337.99
11240 Alpha 1 gear set 20-24 ratio 1.98 4 cylinder
8D P/N 11240 4 Cylinder inline, gear ratio 20/24 upper unit gear set (1.98 or 1.94 Ratio) 43-55778A3