87660 Tilt housing Kit
34820 electric shift 1964-1977
P/N 34820 Gasket kit 1967-1977 Electric shift $9.95
22050 ball gear kit OMC parts
87652 electric shift seal kit
P/N 87652 Gearcase seal kit 100 to 245 hp. for years 1973 / 1977 OEM 981801 $76.99
Item 4
P/N 33950 Tilt motor gasket (2 units) OEM 909902 $4.95
33060 gasket
Item 7
P/N 33060 Gasket OEM 308799 $6.95
Item 9
P/N 86010 Oil seal (2 seals required) OEM 981195 $19.95 each
86370 Oil seal 1964 to 1971
Item 9B P/N 86370 Oil seal (2 seals required) OEM number 309989 $24.95 each
Years 1964 to 1971 with press on ball gear. Seal size is 1.375 inch x 2.00 inch .250 inch wide Note older
units with the grease fitting only use one seal.
81440 o ring
Item 10
P/N 81440 O ring OEM 908383 (5 units) $6.95
85010 oil seals
Item 11
P/N 85010 Oil seal (2 seals required) OEM 313992 $9.99 each
22030 Plug
Item 12
P/N 22030 Cover included in kit P/N 22050
OEM 908062 $4.95
22330 Ball gear nut
Item 13 P/N 22330 Nut included in kit P/N 22050 OEM
908064 $4.95
Item 14
This is a New OMC Stringer Intermediate Drive Shaft The OEM part number is 909044 or 9090440
Drive shaft
has 20 splines on the engine or hub side and 23 on the ball gear end. Shaft is 13 1/4 inches long and will require a
nut to hold ball gear on.
Years 1976 to 1977 Hp. 120, 140, 165, 175, 190, 225 and 235
1981-1985 4 cylinder, V-6 and V-8 engines
Plug out press on
Item 14A
Item 14B
P/N 22010 Ball gear included in kit P/N 22050
OEM 908063 $142.95
86700 Transom plate seal
Item 18
P/N 86700 Plate seal 1970 to 1977 (16 holes) OEM 313080 $129.99
22327 Bolt
Item 22
P/N 22327 Screw OEM 909386 $4.09
22420 Screw set
Item 23
P/N 22420 Screw OEM 307551 $4.95
22040 tilt shaft
Item 25
P/N 22040 Tilt shaft OEM 980183 $21.99
21512 Bearings
Item 27
P/N 21512 Bearing *Note 2
bearings (21512) are required for intermediate housing OEM 3854250
$47.95 each
OMC ball gear kit
P/N 22050 Ball gear kit 1972 to 1985 $220.95
P/N 22010 Intermediate housing ball gear OEM 908063 $142.95

86700 Transom plate seal OEM 313080
P/N 86700 Transom plate seal 1972 to 1977 OEM 313080 $129.99
86710 Transom plate seal OEM 909527
P/N 86710 Transom plate seal 1978 to 1985 $138.99
P/N 87670 Tilt housing kit 1981 to 1985 $26.99
87660 Tilt seal kit
P/N 87660 Tilt Housing Kit 1964 to 1980 $29.99
87653 Intermediate housing seal kit
P/N 87653 OEM 982948 $87.99
used shaft 909044
P/N 22-540b used OMC Intermediate shaft 909044 $229.89
P/N87652 OEM 981801 $65.95
tilt parts 1977
used tilt parts 1977 $149.89 *Contact our OMC tech on service line at 416-723-7332 for availability.
12700 Anode
P/N 12700 OEM 55989A3 $6.95
22040 Tilt shaft OEM 980183
P/N 22040 OEM 980183 $17.95
used water end caps
P/N 529 $9.89 (Call for availability)
Gasket Kit 34820
P/N 34820 $9.15
Gasket Set 34810
Tilt Clutch Gear
P/N 22-507 $52.89
split bearing insert
P/N 22-519 used split bearing insert $32.89

shifter arm
P/N 22-523 $17.89
split bearing 1 unit
Split Bearing one only (Used) $34.89
shifter box rear
P/N 22-524 used shifter box rear $37.89
shift cable plastic insert
P/N 22-525 used shift cable plastic insert $16.89
tilt motor gear
P/N 22-527 $39.89
shifter cover
P/N 22-526 $47.89
33950 gasket
P/N 33950 (2 units) OEM 909902 $4.89
33060 gasket
P/N 33060 (1 unit) OEM 308799 $4.89
12775 Anode
P/N 12775 OEM 984547 $22.89
tilt clutch
P/N 22-508 used tilt clutch $56.89
used OMC Intermediate shaft 909044
22-540 Various ball gear shaft lengths and spline counts available OEM 909044 $179.89
*Contact our OMC tech on our service line at 416-723-7332 for availability. Please have the length of the shaft and
number of spines (coupler side) in order for us to match the shafts.
Intermediate housing
P/N 22-922 used $296.95