Johnson/Evinrude outboard parts drawings *How to videos

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Evinrude/Johnson outboard points *Tune up kit

GLM marine aftermarket points and tune up kit

  • GLM Marine aftermarket tune up kit and points
  • Charts below show horsepower and year
  • Outboard drawings

Tune up kit

Horsepower and year

72810 tune up kit
72810 tune up kit
P/N 72810 $29.99

3 hp. 1952 to 1968
4 hp. 1965 to 1976
4 hp. 1981 to 1990
5 hp. 1965 to 1968
5.5 hp. 1954 to 1964
6 hp. 1965 to 1976
7.5 hp. 1956 to 1958
9.5 hp. 1964 to 1973
10 hp. 1954 to 1963
15 hp. 1974 to 1976
18 hp. 1957 to 1961
25 hp. 1955
30 hp. 1956
35 hp. 1958 to 1959
40 hp. 1960 to 1961
72820 Johnson
72820 Johnson

P/N 72820 $28.99

18 hp. 1962 to 1973
20 hp. 1962 to 1973
25 hp. 1969 to 1976
28 hp. 1962 to 1964
33 hp. 1965 to 1970
35 hp. 1976
40 hp. 1974 to 1976


P/N 72830 $26.89
4.5 hp. 1981
9.5 hp. 1974 to 1976
9.9 hp. 1974 to 1976
15 hp. 1956
40 hp. 1981 to 1983

72840 points

P/N 72840 $33.89
20 / 25 / 30 hp. 1988 to 1989
20 / 25 / 30 hp. Rope 1990
20 / 30 / 35 hp. Remote 1990
20 / 35 hp. Rope 1989
25 hp. Commercial 1988 to 1990
40 / 50 hp. 1988 to 1989
45 / 48 / 50 hp. 1989
48 hp. 1988
48 / 50 hp. 1990


P/N 72800 OEM 142521 $33.89
Same kit as P/N 72810 but only 1 set
Kit contains one of each in this set
P/N 70070 Points and P/N 70570 condenser