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OMC Cobra upper gear case seal kit OEM 987603

GLM aftermarket upper gear case seal kit P/N 87654
4 cylinder and V6-V8 years 1986-1993 OEM 987603

Kit contains:
  • GLM P/N 82380 O-Ring 911686
  • GLM P/N 34770 Gasket 911702
  • GLM P/N 82480 O-Ring 313175
  • GLM P/N 81180 O-Ring 3852565 (2 units)
  • GLM P/N 86610 Oil seal 916058
  • GLM P/N 34730 Gasket 915840
  • GLM P/N 33910 Gasket 911733
  • GLM P/N 81100 O-Ring 303067
  • GLM P/N 81280 O-Ring 909316
  • GLM P/N 82430 Gasket 911700
  • GLM P/N 86530 Oil seal 911685
  • GLM P/N 34771 Gasket 911698
  • GLM P/N 86630 Seal 911704

87654 seal kit 1986-1993

87654 seal kit years 1986 to 1993

P/N 87654 Seal kit OEM-987603, 986364 $53.89 Included in seal kit

81180 O-Ring
86530 Oil seal
82380 O-Ring
34771 Gasket
82430 O-Ring
81280 O-Ring
86610 Oil seal
34730 Gasket
33910 Gasket
81100 O-Ring

Customers who bought P/N 87654 also purchased:

87656 OMC Cobra lower unit gasket seal kit V6-V8
87656 V6-V8 lower gearcase

P/N 87656 For lower units 3.0 liter years 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993. V6 and V8 all years OEM 439967 $67.89

Gasket / 915719
Gasket / 911878
Wiper / 912157O ring / 318717 (3 units)
Seal / 911705
O ring / 314728
O ring / 305123 (2 units)
O ring 1/4 inch (4 units)
Oil seals / 320862 (2 units) 1986-1990
Oil seals / 334950 (2 units) 1991-1993
Bolts 1/4 28 x 1 inch 4 units
Gaskets / 311598

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21715 Cobra shift cable

P/N 21715 OMC Cobra shift cable includes guide tube and set screws. OEM-987661 54 inch long at nuts. $133.89

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